Personal Goals – Accomplishment vs Fulfillment
Having personal goals can be very healthy in creating movement and action in your life. They can inspire you to break through feelings of stuckness by engaging in fulfilling activities, and embracing the gift of your experiential vehicle, your body.
If a goal triggers anxiety, or other challenging emotions, a gem has been revealed. Following the emotional trail of that gem can lead to the unraveling and release of mental blocks and limiting beliefs you may never have known you had. The willingness to feel through challenging emotions awakens the right brain and pre-frontal cortex, and give you access to new creative ways of thinking. It also gives you access to your highly intuitive capacities, and can help you break free of the paralyzing, procrastinating grip those emotions may have had on you. Moving on from here, when goals arise from a personal vision and mission that is heartfelt, emotionally expansive and clear, they will energize your being and pull you forward. They will bounce you out of bed in the morning to greet the day with excitement, and bring you to a restful sleep at night. When we create goals that incorporate personal fulfillment in each step along the way, not some end-game accomplishment, we are actually teaching our bodies that life is about the journey and not the destination. Fulfillment describes your relationship with your inner being. It is personal, individual, and meaningful in the realm of your Life Force. Most of us have been geared to measure life by our accomplishments. Accomplishments are about destinations, they are temporary. Fulfillment is about the journey, it is ongoing. It may include accomplishments, but it is not attached to them. Fulfilment is recognizing that working toward any goal or accomplishment is about the emotional aspect you believe you will achieve. It is an awareness of creating a daily life that meets your emotional desires. Fulfillment is the bridge between the eternal love and light of who you are as a spiritual being, and the temporary journey of what you’ve come to do as you have a human experience. This chart outlines some differences between accomplishment and fulfillment. How might your personal goals grow from this awareness? |
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