Your job? Your relationship? Some other commitment? Twenty years ago I heard a woman in a seminar ask for advice about creating her dream job. The person on stage, then voted one of the top ten life coaches, asked the woman if she had a stable job. The woman replied yes. The life coach told her to stay with that and find ways to gradually transition into what she really wanted to do. Good advice? For some perhaps yes - for others perhaps no. Five years later I heard a man in a seminar ask for advice about creating his dream job. The person on stage, well known for candidly sharing about his challenging life, said “Set a date, give your current job 110%, and by that date you'll find clarity.” In some ways similar advice, and in others completely different. We have each come into this lifetime with our own unique path. Others can share what they have seen work, or maybe they can provide intuitive insights. However, only you are uniquely you, and only you can do life the way you do it. The conversation in the second seminar is what got my attention . . .
A voice in my head at that moment said, “Dec 18th." I had been thinking about a career in non-profit and figured I’d be there by Sep, so Dec 18th made no sense to me. A few months went by and it became clear that my next step wasn’t a new job, it was taking time off to volunteer. I explained to my boss that I needed a leave of absence. She was shocked, but we worked it out. I gave it 110%: hired a new manager to replace me, and ensured the mission and my team were well taken care of. The transition went smoothly. When it was time for my leave I was offered two months of vacation instead if a leave of absence. On my last day I walked out with one of my coworkers and glanced at my watch, it was 3:45 on Dec 18th. Two months later I returned to work, and my company was offering voluntary layoffs. I convinced my boss that I must be non-essential because I didn’t have a new position yet. She laughed, and let me go. I had been paid two months of vacation, and now was getting paid to leave with an open invitation to come back . . . because I set a date and gave it 110% Why set a date?
You’re only human. Your mind will function more creatively and energetically if it knows there is an end to your trial period. Just imagine a date and notice what pops into your mind. Six to twelve months into the future is a typical measure, but trust whatever comes into your head. Put that date in your calendar and forget about it until it arrives. Why give it 110%? When was the last time you gave 110% to your job, your relationship, or something else you’ve committed to? I don’t mean work harder. I mean show up in a new way. Show up with your all your heart, fresh energy, and new ideas. These are the elements for new growth and possibility outside of what you’re currently experiencing. These are the elements that can change you and your environment. Best wishes in finding clarity for whatever your future may hold. Book a free coaching session to explore more for yourself. |
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