Ready to Grow Up? Start with "WHY"!
I saw a commercial recently, an oldie but a goodie. Kids are answering the question we’ve all faced, long before we knew how to answer it, "What do you want to do when you grow up?"
They answer: “I want to file all day.” “I want to be underappreciated.” “I want to claw my way up to middle management.” The commercial ends by hurling the question right back at you (presumably in your adult years), “What did you want to do?” Though I got a good chuckle out of it, the 30 second clip has a poignant message. At some point in life we put dreams on the backburner. We began thinking we had to compromise and compete in order to “make it”. It began to feel naïve to believe we could find meaning and purpose in our work . . . our relationships . . . even life in general. Fulfillment became a word in the dictionary with no real experience of it. And we continued on from there to where we are today . . . not fully aware of how we got here. Now what?
If your feelings of "now what" are not pulling to to discover a deeper meaning of life for yourself "right now", then when? Will "not right now" always be your answer . . . an answer that eventually dissolves into "never"?
After you’ve worked a bit with the questions that really resonate with you, allow your answers to help you in forming your “WHY”. Why do these things matter to you? Who are you in all of this unfolding, who are you really? What is wanting to be revealed to the world through you? Why is this important to you? Why are you the one to reveal it? Why does this give you passion and purpose and fulfillment?
That’s a lot . . . I know . . . but it’s important. It’s important because we’re talking about you, and no one can do you the way you do it. Give yourself the time to honor you and explore what's possible. You may have done a similar exercise in the past, but you've grown since then . . . even if it was just last week.
Gain wisdom from the challenging or stuck spots.
Now find a comfortable place to sit and get quiet for a few more minutes. Allow any limiting thoughts and beliefs around your "WHY" come to the surface. Especially note how you feel about not actually getting to live your dreams or your inabilities to create those dreams.
Close your eyes and open to charged emotions buried beneath the surface of your consciousness. They might be subtle or very strong, depending on how familiar you are with emotional energy. Whatever they are is perfect. It’s the willingness to feel them that matters – not your current capacity.
Close your eyes and open to charged emotions buried beneath the surface of your consciousness. They might be subtle or very strong, depending on how familiar you are with emotional energy. Whatever they are is perfect. It’s the willingness to feel them that matters – not your current capacity.
Once you identify an emotion that feels contractive, uncomfortable or stuck, invite it to come sit with you for a while. Invite it to a favorite safe place where you can sit together and share . . . maybe a campfire, a lakeside tree, your favorite garden, or your workshop.
Notice the shape of this emotional energy, and if you can’t see it clearly then just imagine it and give it a shape. Then notice other aspects . . . what’s the color . . . the texture . . . the temperature? How bright or dark is it?
Then allow it to speak to you. Ask it . . .
Allow it to reveal all of its wisdom to you. Thank it, and let it go. Know you can invite this emotion back anytime to speak with it and to gain wisdom from it. Allowing for a deeper emotional awareness may feel uncomfortable at first, but you are teaching your mind and body that it is safe to feel emotions.
You are becoming aware that emotions are just energy that come and go, and when you take the time to fully feel what is here for you – when you invite challenging emotions to flow – you are releasing the triggering grip they have had on you. You are developing the potential for new neuropathways and new ways of seeing and doing life. In this space is an opening into clarity and freedom that will allow you to move forward with more grace and ease, with more insight and wisdom. In this space you can begin to powerfully embody your "WHY".
Notice the shape of this emotional energy, and if you can’t see it clearly then just imagine it and give it a shape. Then notice other aspects . . . what’s the color . . . the texture . . . the temperature? How bright or dark is it?
Then allow it to speak to you. Ask it . . .
- How long has it been living in your body?
- How many times has it been repressed or stuffed down?
- How many times has it been perpetuated or dwelled on, long after the challenge has passed?
- What wisdom does it have that would be most beneficial for you to know?
- What resources would be most helpful for you to work with it?
Allow it to reveal all of its wisdom to you. Thank it, and let it go. Know you can invite this emotion back anytime to speak with it and to gain wisdom from it. Allowing for a deeper emotional awareness may feel uncomfortable at first, but you are teaching your mind and body that it is safe to feel emotions.
You are becoming aware that emotions are just energy that come and go, and when you take the time to fully feel what is here for you – when you invite challenging emotions to flow – you are releasing the triggering grip they have had on you. You are developing the potential for new neuropathways and new ways of seeing and doing life. In this space is an opening into clarity and freedom that will allow you to move forward with more grace and ease, with more insight and wisdom. In this space you can begin to powerfully embody your "WHY".
Take it to the next level.
If you liked this little exercise in introspection, there’s more where that came from. Now that you have explored your “WHY”, you carry the attractive energy for the “HOW” to show up in your life. You carry the awareness to notice the “HOW” when it shows up, and you have the meaningful and purposeful energy to sustain it.
If you run into stuck spots, celebrate your awareness that you got stuck. Now you have an opportunity to learn even more about yourself and become even more free. Bring the emotions around that stuckness to your favorite safe place, and have a chat.
I invite you to join any of my meditation classes, wisdom circles, or workshops. They are free, but not because there’s a hitch. The only hitch is your willingness to show up and explore new ways of doing life for yourself . . . new ways of relating . . . and new ways of opening to the gifts you have come to share this lifetime . . . gifts that only you can bring.
You're also welcome to schedule a Free Coaching Breakthrough session. Use the link below:
If you run into stuck spots, celebrate your awareness that you got stuck. Now you have an opportunity to learn even more about yourself and become even more free. Bring the emotions around that stuckness to your favorite safe place, and have a chat.
I invite you to join any of my meditation classes, wisdom circles, or workshops. They are free, but not because there’s a hitch. The only hitch is your willingness to show up and explore new ways of doing life for yourself . . . new ways of relating . . . and new ways of opening to the gifts you have come to share this lifetime . . . gifts that only you can bring.
You're also welcome to schedule a Free Coaching Breakthrough session. Use the link below:
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