RELEASE 2022 - REVEAL 2023Don't let this past year hold back the best version of you wanting to be revealed this year.
The more energy tied to our past, the less available in the present to create our future. So we should just walk away from a past, right? That can be easier said than done. The mind collects information to better understand life. We develop neural pathways to help us walk, talk, run, write, ride-a-bike, etc. The strongest neural pathways are those that support survival. If 2022 felt challenging, it is likely your brain developed some new wrinkles, involving limiting thoughts and beliefs about survival, that could hold you back in 2023. As we begin to slow down for an isolated holiday season, now is a perfect time to sit with those difficult thoughts and emotions. Allow them to speak to you: How long have they been living in your body? How many times have they been repressed or stuffed down? How many times have they been perpetuated or dwelled on --- long after the challenge has past? What wisdom do they have that would be most beneficial for you to know? What resources would be most helpful for you to work with them? Allow them to reveal all of their wisdom to you. Thank them - and let them go. Many blessings for peace and release this holiday season. Come to the next Intentional Journey Meditation Enjoy this audio recording Sweep Out the Chambers of Your Heart |
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