Chasing after your passions can be an endless game. What would life look like if you started living your passions instead of pursuing them? How is that possible? What if, instead of being focused on the destination, you put your energy into your journey? (1) I'm not saying discard your personal dreams, visions, and goals. Without an awareness of the direction we want to move, the odds are highly likely we will just stand still. So, take time to explore your dreams and write them down. That is the 1st step. (2) Then the 2nd step is to gain awareness of what it feels like achieving that goal or vision. What are all of the expansive emotions involved? Because, believe it or not, it's not the perfect job, car, house, spouse or blouse you want. What you are seeking is the feelings you believe these things will create in your life.
(3) Now we're really getting somewhere. One last step . . . Once we have embodied these feelings into our daily lives and routines, we are living the dream! That is the 3rd step. Create a plan that moves you toward your dreams, and in developing the steps of your plan pay attention to how you feel about them. In your plan choose steps that you are passionate about and invoke the emotions you desire. Finally, as you execute these steps, bring the emotional energies you are desiring, the emotional energies of your dreams, to the task. For some dreams this can be easy, and for others it may be quite challenging. I encourage you to embrace the challenge . . . Carpe Diem! Life really is about the journey, not the destination. |
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