Focus on the Problem or the Solution?There is a potency in focusing on solutions and not problems.
There is also benefit in inquiring into and listening about an issue. A company I was consulting with in Uganda was challenged with inventory records that were often 25% in error. This caused problems with financial audits, and also with product development, production and sales. When the managers for each of these areas shared their stories and aired their grievances, they gained a better understanding of the problems and a deeper respect for inventory management. They realized that the processes they had grown accustomed to were not working. They naturally let go of complaining about and blaming the inventory manager. It wasn’t easy, but they came together around a common challenge to implement new processes. Three months later, a government audit found zero discrepancies. Not taking the time to acknowledge where we've been and how we got to where we’re at, can leave unresolved feelings lying in the dark that become obstacles to new possibilities and positive change.
In an environment of human connection, innate resilience and genius thrives. Barriers to creative ideas break down, and stakeholders can connect in a vulnerable, authentic and heart connected space. |
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