Next Positive Intelligence (PQ) Group Training
(See Example Schedule and Details)
What is Positive Intelligence? How can it help me?
Schedule a 15-min Discovery Mtg:
PQ is a training program to support your personal growth for handling life’s challenges – small and large. It helps you develop an emotionally-intelligent flow and awareness that lends to better mental clarity, performance, and relationships. It does this with simple, two-minute mindfulness practices you do five times a day, and it's all on a phone/tablet/pc/mac app to make it easy to remember and do.
The essence is that, in spreading the two-minute practices throughout the day, the program begins to train your brain that it has a safe and centered place to go in moments of stress. It begins to create some space, and a slowing down of time if you will, between an event and our automated reaction to it. The practices help you establish new, healthy neuropathways that gradually become part of your natural thinking and emotional patterns. They help provide a foundation of more ease, fulfillment and happiness in life, and support you in during times of mental or emotional challenge.
Establish healthy neuropathways that become part of your natural thinking and emotional patterns that you can access during times of mental challenge or emotional stress.
See Reviews |
WHAT DOES PQ TRAINING INVOLVE? The 6-week training program requires 3-hours a week (3% of your waking time) and includes:
Here's what else is included:
PERSONAL GUARANTEE: This program takes less than 3% of your waking time. My experience is that the three hours a week required to learn the program is more than returned back in personal happiness and productivity. If you put your heart into it and don’t get what you expect, I’ll happily give you your money back.
see example schedule and details
Sound too good to be true? I thought so, but I followed my intuition anyway, and learned something new that is now powerfully supporting for me and my clients. Schedule a 15-min Discovery Mtg Request More Information |
The Easy Part: The program is very simple. Anyone can learn to pause five times a day for a two-minute mindfulness practice. In maintaining this practice for just 6-8 weeks, research shows growth in the parts of your brain responsible for cognitive control and flexibility; including empathy, creativity, clarity and attention. As you increase your level of mental-emotional self-awareness, you begin to break down your automated responses to life’s challenges. This opens you to amazing new possibilities for how you can do life differently – more healthfully, happily, creatively, connectively, etc.
The Hard Part: What makes the PQ Training difficult is that we are creatures of habit. We are attached to old habits, and resistant to form new owns. It is part of our ingrained animal biology, which at the beginning of human history supported our survival. As modern human beings we still rely on mental, emotional and physical survival habits that we learned as children from our family and society. In some ways these strategies are helpful: don’t step into a busy street. However, many of the strategies are simply reactive and limit our choices for meeting life with fresh eyes and in new ways. Unlearning these habits might seem simple, but biologically they have become tied into our survival needs so they can be very difficult to unravel and let go of. This is why the training is 3 hours a week instead of 1 hour – and includes video lessons and facilitated pod support meetings. The opportunities for success are 5 times greater in a group.
When you have a bigger idea for life,
Life begins to show up for you.
When I was invited to try the Positive Intelligence (PQ) program my first thought was that I love the coaching program I created, so why would I do another one. My first feeling and sense of intuition was to ‘just do it’. I felt it was time to work on myself some more – just for me. I trusted my intuition and said yes (while my doubting mind still held some reservations). For over twenty years I’ve been working with supportive practices to build a foundational awareness of my innate life force and to help me through moments of personal challenge. It's been a journey of breaking through mental blocks, letting go of limiting beliefs, growing emotional intelligence, and finding more personal freedom and fulfillment. I created my coaching program because I saw that the seminar work I was doing was only one step. To create long-term, sustainable growth in all of these areas requires a consistent daily framework. |
It didn’t take me long to realize that PQ was a perfect addition for my practice. Here is a program that supports long-term personal growth in a fun and easy way with mindfulness practices that work on a phone or computer and only take two minutes. Research with over 500,000 people shows increases in happiness and performance. This is backed up by MRI images after 6-8 weeks of practice that show an increase in grey matter in the Sage Brain (Prefrontal Cortex and Right Brain) and a decrease in grey matter in the Saboteur Brain (Amygdala). My wife and I love sharing the practice together. My experience is that the three hours a week required to learn the program is more than returned back in personal happiness and productivity.
The PQ program is so simple it’s used by large corporations and CEOs globally . . . including Procter & Gamble, Google, Philips, PayPal, Facebook, Stanford University, Amazon, CBS, Motorola, and more. For me, I find that it opens the heart and mind, and clears the way for making the work with my clients easier . . . and for making my own growth easier.
The PQ program is so simple it’s used by large corporations and CEOs globally . . . including Procter & Gamble, Google, Philips, PayPal, Facebook, Stanford University, Amazon, CBS, Motorola, and more. For me, I find that it opens the heart and mind, and clears the way for making the work with my clients easier . . . and for making my own growth easier.
If your intuition says yes, or if your thinking mind just wants to know more, set up time to chat or fill out a connection form for more information.
Take a look at an example schedule. |