Sometimes it's difficult to trust that everything is unfolding perfectly and the Universe is conspiring in our favor.
It is.
We will experience pain and pleasure, sorry and joy; and we are free to interpret and grow with these experiences in any way we wish. The theme here is trusting that our experiences are perfectly unfolding as and within the Oneness of Life.
Osho Zen Tarot contains four cards exploring the subject of trust: three are major arcana cards, and the fourth card is trust itself.
The first 22 cards of the Tarot are major arcana, or the trump suit. They have special significance because they reflect central themes in our human experience as spiritual beings. They are highly regarded as driving forces in our personal awareness and transformation. The Fool, Courage, and Innocence are three elements of trust presented as Major Arcana.
My favorite Tarot card, and the one that drew me to the Tarot deck to research Trust, is the 1st card of the deck – The Fool.
I share it with friends who question their naivety when something frequently seems to go poorly.
Fools are those who go on trusting against all experience. You deceive them and they trust you, you deceive them again and they trust you. They clean their minds continuously. They keep dying to the past to remain in the present, as if just born.
My heart embraces friends in their wisdom of being The Fool; being continuously present in the moment, letting go of past pains, and trusting life as it unfolds. It is a gift to experience life with child-like eyes; seeing things for the first time, every time. This is trust in the Universe, in the perfection of life. No matter how life is unfolding, put yourself out there on the edge of your comfort zone. Keep putting yourself out there as powerful as the first time. Over and over again, trust Life.
I try to remind myself frequently how freeing it is to live in this frame of mind; hoping my friends will encourage me when I’m embracing The Fool within me.
The 8th card of the Tarot is Courage.
It takes courage for a seed to become a flower. It takes courage to seek the light through the dark of the dirt and rocks; to be vulnerable against the forces of nature.
It takes courage to leave the the safe and protective shell of what we know, and put ourselves out there into the unknown.
Yet this is how Life continually expands. This is how new possibilities are created.
This is how we grow – stretching outside our comfort zone and trusting Life.
All for a chance to become something amazing, beautiful, and life giving – the seed has the courage to grow or die trying.
No matter how impossible, how uncertain, how illogical – and without knowing how things might unfold – find your courage, trust your wisdom, and put yourself out there to grow or die trying.
By living your passions you're releasing your life-giving energy to all of creation.
What are you up to that is amazing and beautiful, and life giving to others?
The 19th card of the Tarot is Innocence. Its wisdom deepens the innocent child‐like nature I so admire in The Fool.
As children our innocent trust of life is beautiful, but ignorant. We have not yet been exposed to the many challenges of life.
As we become adults, childish innocence can grow into doubt and mistrust, and cause us to shrink back from life and build protective walls.
The irony is, we are Life Itself. The majesty of Life lives and breathes through us. The meaning and purpose of Life is birthed through us.
Living with childish innocence is a belief that we are safest by hiding from Ourselves.
Living with child-like innocence is an awareness that yes, the world can be dangerous and difficult, but to hide from it would be not living life at all. To shrink back from life would be denying our true explorative and creative nature.
There is a persistent quality of child-like innocence that is sourced in an enduring faith that life will have its ups and down, its joy and sorrows, and it is still perfect.
No matter how things look on the surface, the Universe is always conspiring in our favor.
Then the 29th card of the Tarot is Trust itself.
It is found in the suit of Water, falling into the emotional realm of human experience; vice the Fire of action, the Clouds of thought, or the Rainbow of Spirit's expression into form.
Emotion is the creative energy of the Universe, and an underlying current of emotion is reflected in all three Major Arcana cards above.
At this point you are invited to emotionally leap into your passions with no hesitation.
Why waste life worrying about things that come and go?
Drop knowledge and logic aside, along with concern for physical things. Opening yourself to vulnerability will grow others vulnerability and trust toward you, and your trust and appreciation toward them. Trust your own inner guidance. Life is less about being prepared and more about being present. Trust and follow your heart and you will find a life rich and fulfilling, steeped in Oneness.