What if you hate your job but you feel like you can't leave?
That's a Catch 22 we could work from either end. Working through your fear of leaving is probably easiest. You only have to deal with yourself. However, working from that end won't give you the opportunity to face down the deeper psychological reasons of why you hate your job. Eventually you'll find something else to hate, and you could work through that, but you'll likely walk away from it too. Working through the hate for your job first offers the most opportunity for personal growth. The challenge is facing complex emotional structures within yourself: • The parts of you that show up to interact with others. • The structures and beliefs you have created to try to understand life and feel safe. • The parts of you that maintain a less-than-authentic appearance to deal with the world and your self image. Everywhere you go there you are. If you face this - and find an opening of compassion for yourself, your job, and those you work with - you will find the freedom and internal wisdom to choose your next step. |
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