What's the best way you've found to get unstuck?
Sometimes I don't even have an awareness that I'm stuck. It's not really a comfortable feeling or something I feel excited and energized to sit with and examine for myself. My avoidance of allowing the feeling of stuck can actually create more stuck energy that seeps into other work tasks I want to get done, or even other areas of my life, and create a big 'ball of stuckness' for myself . . . yuck! Some of the most challenging times are after I make a step forward, seemingly a step of progress, and find one or two new obstacles I wasn't aware of . . . yuckity yuck yuck! On my calendar app, it looks like hitting 'snooze' again to later in the day or week. Sometimes I accidently hit 'dismiss' . . . ooops, that's a wake up call. On my desk, it looks like my stack of 'important papers' has become so deep I don't know what's in there anymore. Yuckity yuck yuck yuck . . . stuck stuck stuck! What's it look like when you get stuck and what's the best way you've found to get unstuck? |
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