At the quantum level nothing is solid. We cannot discern where one thing ends and another begins. The particles that make up our physical beings are mostly not here.
Beliefs provide structure for our minds to interpret and function in this world. They allow us to anticipate what will happen moment to moment, and to perceive continuity. This eases the awareness of infinite possibilities, and creates feelings of safety and security. And, beware of being overly certain in what you believe. The higher your certainty of how you think life works, the less room for learning and experiencing how life can work. Attachment to your beliefs can stifle personal growth and perpetuate unnecessary conflict. We all have different life experiences, and no two people have exactly the same beliefs. Even people with the same spiritual faith path, or no path at all, will find differences in what they believe. Believe Less – Practice More
Where we can find common ground is in our practices. For many decades modern science has shown us that, no matter our path or personal beliefs, we can all share in practices to ease our minds and bodies. We all have wisdom to offer when when we discover the clarity and peace at the core of our being.
Come share in a community practice and join the next live Intentional Journey Meditation class. |
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