If you're not sure what a life coach is or why you would ever hire one, here are seven reasons to avoid life coaching. Once you are aware of these, you can rest peacefully in more clear awareness of your avoidance.
1. YOU WANT ADVICE If you want advice, then you don't want a coach. Coaching is about uncovering the questions and revealing the wisdom and intuitive insights that are within you. It's about opening to the awareness that you are your greatest gift, and recognizing that it is your footsteps your soul listens for. 2. YOU HAVE THE TIME If you have the time for coaching, then you have already mastered your schedule and time management. If you have the time, then you're likely following a path of self-care, growth, and fulfillment. Coaching is about becoming a master of your time, and creating the space to dream and follow your heart's desires. 3. LIFE IS “GOOD” AND YOU HATE CHANGE If the way your life is unfolding now is good enough, and your looking forward to your life being the same way one, five or ten years into the future, then stay the course. The way you've always done life is a perfect path to follow to get (somewhat) predictable results. Coaching is about exploring different ways of being and doing life. It is about healing the pain of past dreams that may have been crushed or discarded, and embracing a path for the dreams you have now. It is allowing your heart and spirit to lead, and your mind and body to create. It is finding fulfillment within the journey. |
4. YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY PROVIDE THE BEST ADVICE The people closest to you know the way you’ve shown up in the past. Maybe they like and accept you just the way you are, maybe they don’t. You are in good company if they encourage you to explore new ways of being and doing life, and you can let go of disappointment or resentment if they don’t. They have gained experience and wisdom by walking their own path, it’s not their job or purpose in life to walk yours. In any case, human nature is to expect you to show up in ways you always have. It’s a tool of the mind to simplify life and try to maintain some predictability that feels secure. It can be difficult for friends and family to see and embrace change in you. The profession and expertise of a life coach is to support you in incorporating change for yourself, and to have no attachment or judgement to who you have been in the past. A life coach guides you in revealing your own genius and helping you create a unique life path that is the highest expression of you and who you desire to be. Back to reason #1, if you want advice, you don’t want a life coach. 5. YOUR RELATIONSHIPS ARE GOOD ENOUGH Back to reason #3, if you feel life is good enough, then coaching is not for you. If you like to drink poison in the hopes the person you have a grudge against will die, then coaching is not for you. If you would rather forget than forgive, then coaching is not for you. Forgiveness is not about forgetting. It is about personal growth and integration, and having compassion for yourself and others in the human struggles we face. It is realizing that the ashes of your challenges and conflicts are the soil from which you have grown into who you are today. Mark Twain wrote, “Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it,” implying a sense of gratitude grows from within when you experience true forgiveness. Not all coaches have the expertise in supporting their clients through this evolution of self. Intentional Life-Journey Coaching unravels our painful experiences at their core to reveal new wisdom and understanding. It facilitates the growth of new neural networks to make new choices in life and to create healthy relationships with ourselves and others. When you begin to love yourself and your life, the doors begin to open winder for you to give and receive love. 6. YOU THINK IT COSTS TOO MUCH If you can't envision the possibility that you have more to give in life for yourself and others, then life coaching may not be for you. If there is just spark of hope within you, then you can do it! It can be difficult to see the value in ourselves. It can be challenging to imagine creating a life we love and that touches the lives of others. I wasn’t taught in school to think creatively and explore my passions. I didn’t learn about social-emotional intelligence, let alone gain the tools to grow and implement it for myself. My experience with formal education was, many times, more spirit crushing than expanding. When I started my personal growth work twenty years ago, I was very skeptical of that educational system as well. I really didn't know what a limiting beliefs was. I didn't realize that my traumatic experiences had shrunk my comfort zone and possibilities for life experiences. As you think about the cost of life coaching, think also about the cost of not shifting and growing your awareness of self. What will be the cost of not broadening your possibilities and not finding purpose and meaning for your life? I’ll share the logical, mental shift I had at age thirty as a possible way of looking at the cost of coaching: The average cost of 15 hours of college instruction (1 credit hr) is about $594. A two-day, potentially life-changing seminar (at least 15 hours long), will cost you about the same. One-to-one college tutoring and one-to-one life coaching of course costs more. I started with one-to-one work because I didn’t feel comfortable unraveling my unknown stuff with other people, and over time I have found both group and one-to-one work to be invaluable for my personal growth.
Whatever it takes for you to make a quantum shift in recognizing and sharing the value of you, I hope you find it. Bottom line . . . if you’re not willing to take an honest look into your future and consider the intrinsic value of yourself and what you have to offer in your lifetime . . . if you can’t perceive the value in discovering a more powerful and fulfilled version of you within you . . . then life coaching may not be for you. 7. BENEFITS OF BEING A VICTIM OUTWEIGH THE FREEDOM OF OWNING YOUR LIFE If this thought holds no interest for you, then then you don't want a coach. If you're not willing to stop complaining to anyone who will listen about what's wrong with your life, then you don't want a coach. Coaching is about owning all of who you are - the light and the dark - and integrating it into a more authentic, vulnerable, and powerful version of you that is already within you and waiting to emerge. ? STILL NOT SURE ? Often we are not 100% sure about anything . . . even taxes and death. I know people who never pay taxes, and I believe we're all eternal spirits. So maybe even the certainty of taxes and death can be questioned. Joseph Campbell said, "If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's." It may be time to schedule a free coaching appointment . . . or you could just keep read more musings . . .
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